søndag den 8. september 2013

Sustainable Product Service Systems - WCR 1

Own tutor - Tom
You have a good understanding of SSP and you make your concepts "strong" with your research. The first concept has some opportunities, but you have to develop it more. There is a problem with the citymap, when the screen show you the way to get from one point to another it is hard for the user to remember all that information. The map could print out a small note, where all the information is written. If this product should replace the hard copies, that people use today, you also have to argue that the tourists don't need the the guidebook they probably bought before they came to the country, because often there is a map in these guidebooks. The second concept about the carpark and fundraising is good, but not that innovative, so if you could add some more to that idea it could definitely be something to work on. The third concept about the watch/bracelet and fundraising is also good, but I think it will be difficult to get people out buying this product, because they want a specific watch that defines them and not one everyone wear.
Ole: The second concept is interesting, but you definitely have to do something more to make it more innovative. Maybe change the way you would register - normally you use either coins or a credit card, but if you could make it easier and encourage people to donate it could be cool.
Clark: I think the idea about the watch/bracelet is great, but I think people wants a watch that they can identify with. They don't want one similar to everyone they meet on the streets. You could maybe design a little thing, that you can attach to the jacket or sweatshirt.
Listening to other tutor - Mar
To make a system to actually a system it has to give some feedback. The user have to see, that the interaction between the product and the user is working.
Plans of doing for next week
I will try to make some more research on the problems in each concept, and in that way get a better understanding, which should give me better opportunities for designing and solving the actually problem.

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