tirsdag den 20. august 2013

Accessible Packaging - WCR 3

Feedback from own tutor - Mariano Ramirez

You should make the "click"-cap and the big cap as one part, then you only need one mould for that part. You also have to make your technical drawings in australian standards.

Listening to other tutors - Tom

Show the packaging in a context, so a person who has not followed your project can see what the packaging is actually for and how it is supposed to be used.

Feedback from Cormack

It works good with the closure mechanism - it is well sealed for liquid olive oil. You have to think about the injection moulding for the bottle - you have to draft it, because it will shrink when cooling.

Reflection and plan of action for this week

I think all the things I was told at this lecture is right and it is something I have to change both on the product design and my posters. So I will start doing all these things and then I will use time on presenting my product design in the best way on the poster. When all this is done, I have to make a 3D-model, where the mechanism is going to be 3D-printed and I don´t know at this time, how I will make the rest of the model, but I will research on that in this week.

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